Limited Financial Experience
Starting Out or Starting Over
When you are just starting out making sense of your finances can be overwhelming. Chances are you haven’t had much guidance or education around good personal financial habits. Some questions you might have are:
Should I pay down debt or save for retirement?
Should I buy or lease a car?
How do I manage day to day spending?
What are my employee benefits and how should I make a choice?
This program is for individuals with limited financial experience. The focus will be on developing good money habits and attitudes to maximize lifetime financial satisfaction and accumulate wealth. The program is a one-year.
In addition to access to a personal financial website with net worth, detailed financial information, spending reports and secure on-line document storage you will have access to an advisor with a Certified Financial Planner® designation for financial questions and concerns. After working with us you will be more confident in handling your finances. You’ll know what questions to ask and how to evaluate different financial choices. After the first year, a maintenance subscription is available to support you as your life evolves and to provide accountability to help you stay on track.