Work With Us
We specialize in working with clients facing a financial transition, whether planned or unexpected. We take a holistic approach to financial planning. Navigating competently through life’s transitions is not just about the numbers. By holistic, we mean the whole picture-how money affects every aspect of your life-not just your investments or your bank accounts. We understand that there are emotional aspects of change and that good planning cannot take place without addressing the underlying emotions. We continually seek out resources and tools to help with the “softer side” of planning.
Investment Management
Stock picking and market timing are speculative. Asset allocation, diversification of risk, reduced costs and staying the course – that is investing.
Cummins RSP/Cash Balance Plan Investment Review –
This program is designed for Cummins Employees that would like personalized investment advice in deciding how to allocate their 401k balances.
Retirement Readiness Appraisal
Think you’re ready to retire, but want to make sure? Designed for anyone close to retirement, this two-hour consultation may be just what you need.
Women’s Transitions
Many transitions are as much about the emotional change in circumstances as financial. Your unique situation will determine which program may be the best option.