My journey to become a Financial Planner began after my father died and my mother moved to Florida. My mom was appalled at the treatment her widowed friends received from their financial professionals and encouraged me to look into the field. As I learned about the profession, it became clear to me that this was where my talents would be most useful. While my youngest son was in his last year of pre-school, I started interning with an advisor to get some real life experience before starting the CFP credentialing process. I obtained the CFP® credential and became a fee-only NAPFA Registered Financial Advisor. My primary goal is to help you become good stewards of your time, talent and treasure in your journey to reach your full potential as a human being.
Many people seek guidance in times of crisis and sometimes the real solution is not monetary but perspective. When faced with stressful situations what's often most important is having a trusted "Thinking Partner" that can help keep you safe and help you clarify your choices. My clients are very diverse, but they are all life-long learners, involved in their communities, authentic and coachable. Most often they come in while transitioning to a single state either through death or divorce. Through those transitions it helps to have an objective perspective on your financial situation and the impacts on your lifestyle choices. I also enjoy working with pre-retirees as we vision what form retirement will take and how best to utilize resources to live a life that matters and leaves a meaningful legacy.
My primary geographic base is Columbus, Bloomington, Indianapolis, and Central Indiana. While technology makes working with clients remotely possible, I feel I best serve my clients by face to face interactions in the beginning of a relationship. I do continue to work with established clients that move.
My husband and I are in the process of transitioning to empty-nesters. Our oldest son graduated from Purdue in 2018 and is gainfully employed locally at Cummins. Our youngest son is a student at Emerson College in Boston and spends his summers working at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. As a member of the St. Bartholomew Choir, I have been privileged to perform at Carnegie Hall, The Vatican and will join the choir in Vienna and Prague for the 2020 International Beethoven Festival. I enjoy being a part of the Columbus community. Over the years I have been involved with the Columbus East High School Speech Team as a judge and fundraising coordinator, helped with various Boy Scout initiatives, The Young Mothers Educational Development (Y-MED) program, Bartholomew County Step Ahead, a variety of child care related initiatives, the Book Buddy Program, a FIRST Lego League Coach, and Zonta International. I have served as Chair of the Bartholomew County Financial Literacy Coalition as well as a member of the Guiding Circle for the Bartholomew County Women’s Giving Circle at the Heritage Fund. In my spare time I like to read, try new recipes, and travel.