Investment Management
Stock picking and market timing are speculative. Asset allocation, diversification of risk, reduced costs and staying the course – that is investing. Our investment philosophy is based on a combination of market and behavioral research. The foundation of our investment philosophy is the time-tested Nobel prize-winning Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) valued highly by academic and investment professionals. Although there is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns, outperform a non-diversified portfolio or ensure against market risk, MPT proves that intelligent diversification and ongoing rebalancing of investments may minimize risk and potentially optimize portfolio performance. Using MPT, we will regularly analyze your asset allocation and rebalance your investments as the ever-changing and volatile markets demand.
Our clients benefit from our individualized investment management approach. Each portfolio is created to take advantage of:
- Proper asset allocation - Determining a deliberate exposure to the various asset classes to meet your financial objectives
- Proper asset location – Different types of accounts receive different tax treatments and
- Cost management - The more you can reduce costs, the more return you keep
- Tax management - Lower turnover, careful harvesting of gains and losses, and intelligent withdrawal planning to reduce the negative drag of taxes on your returns
- Regular Rebalancing – buying and selling portions of your portfolio in order to set the weight of each asset class back to its original state.
Academic studies suggest that such rebalancing can add up to 1% or more to a portfolio’s expected return. The institutional funds and exchange-traded funds we employ are selected for their disciplined adherence to asset class exposure as well as for their extremely low turnover and expense ratios.
Beating one index or another is not the true measure of success. Being able to retire comfortably, affording the college of choice, or being able to sleep during protracted market downturns are more meaningful barometers of successful investment planning.
Asset management fees are determined by income, amount of assets managed, number of accounts, Life Cycle Phase, degree of integration with non-managed accounts, investment strategy and level of engagement with advisors. Our minimum fee is $6,000.